Pet Advice
Contact Info
Priory Lodge Vets
31 Pembury Road

The inevitable loss of a beloved pet is the very hardest part of sharing our life with animals. At Priory Lodge Vets we understand and accept that this experience of loss is often just as difficult and painful as losing a family member or close friend.
We try to help and support at every stage of your pet’s life and understand that the end stage is the hardest. Of course, nothing can take away the pain of losing a pet, but we will endeavour to support you in the final moments in a relaxing and kind environment.
Don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Ask the questions that will aid your decision making. Our vets have a lot of experience in helping in these situations, so please let them help you. We will endeavour to get you an appointment at a quiet time of the day so that you are not rushed – we want you to have the time and space to say goodbye.
There are a variety of options for your pet once they have passed away. Some people still prefer to take the body home for burial, but it is more common nowadays for pets to be cremated. We use Silvermere Haven for our cremation service and we keep leaflets that explain their service and the various options. You can elect whether you want your pet’s ashes buried in their cemetery or whether you want his/her ashes returned. Various options exists for the latter option, from a scatter tube to a range of caskets and urns. Please visit their website at or ask for a leaflet at the surgery.
It is common for grieving owners to think that they must carry on as normal as it was “only” a pet and unfortunately grieving for pets is not commonly supported by society. But grief is normal and enables us to adapt to life without a loved one.
Please remember that we are here to support you. If you struggle to cope with your loss please feel free to speak to us. The Blue Cross offer a bereavement support service which is free and confidential. Their phone number is 0800 096 6606 and the service is available from 8.30am to 8.30 pm every day or online at
Compassion Understood also offer excellent web-based support: